Day in the Life Videos

When done correctly, A Day in the Life Video can be a turning point in your case. An effective tool for demonstrating the impact of an injury or disability, this visual representation can be so much more valuable than simply reviewing a transcript or medical records.

As the name suggests, A Day in the Life Video typically includes footage of the plaintiff, engaging in various activities, from the moment they wake up in the morning, until they go to sleep again. This could include, but is not limited to, getting out of bed, preparing meals, performing household chores, any assistance provided by a caregiver, special equipment used and interaction with family members or medical personnel; all of the moments needed to clearly and comprehensively convey what a client’s life is now like as they struggle to complete ordinary tasks.

The ultimate goal isn’t just to capture how drastically their quality of life has been impaired as a result of injury, illness and pain. At the heart of it all, is the ability to make the jury and defendants feel it as well.

There is however a delicate balance between being able to communicate the scope of your client’s injuries, as well as the impact, without compromising the strict legal and ethical guidelines for admissibility. Without the ability to use narration, special effects, interviews or even background music, being a compelling communicator becomes even more important. That’s where we shine.

As seasoned storytellers, who are also certified legal video specialists, we’ve mastered the art of authentically capturing a Day in the Life that keeps the viewers engaged and bolsters our clients’ cases.

The footage can also be edited and incorporated into a more evocative settlement documentary, which can be presented at mediation, arbitration, or a settlement conference.

With such profound loss suffered, and lives forever changed, every day we wake up committed to providing our clients with the most effective litigation support possible to be able to recover maximum compensation. And that is a day in our lives.

“Admissibility is key in Day in the Life videos. We understand the delicate balance between effectively illustrating life-altering injuries and maintaining legal integrity. ”


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